Key Court Hearings on Life in TN This Week

UPDATE, AUGUST 10: FEDERAL JUDGE LIFTS TEMPORARY INJUNCTION AGAINST ENFORCEMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSURE OF 3 ABORTION FACILITIES   Federal Judge Kevin Sharp conditionally lifted a temporary restraining order that had stopped the state from enforcing the new abortion law.  "There is no indication either of the district attorneys (in Bristol or Nashville) are intending to prosecute." Steven Hart, Special Counsel, Office of the TN Attorney General. (arguing against continued injunction.) So who is going to demand enforcement of the inspection and licensure law supported by a majority of Tennessee voters and their elected representatives?  Click here for The Tennessean article....  UPDATE, AUG 13: Federal Judge Kevin Sharp issues an injunction barring district attorneys in Davidson(Nashville) and Sullivan(Bristol) Counties from enforcing the new law that requires that abortion facilities performing 50 or more surgical abortions annually be licensed and inspected by the TN Dept. of Health. UPDATE, JULY 22: Tennessee Right to Life joined with other state-based medical and advocacy organizations to file an Amicus Brief supporting Tennessee's ban on doctor-assisted suicide. Click here to learn more.... UPDATE, JULY 9: FEDERAL JUDGE EXTENDS TEMPORARY INJUNCTION AGAINST ENFORCEMENT OF INSPECTION AND LICENSURE OF 3 ABORTION FACILITIES  Click here to learn more....    Judges in Tennessee Prepare to Take Up Abortion, Doctor-Assisted Suicide Cases Lawsuits against pro-life protections target state laws on abortion, ban on assisted suicide Later this week, state and federal court judges in Nashville will take up cases with grave implications for the protection of human life in Tennessee. On Thursday morning, Chief District Judge Kevin Sharp will hear arguments by owner-operators of abortion facilities claiming "irreparable harm" by enforcement of several pro-life statutes including informed consent and 48-hour waiting period for women and girls considering abortion, requirement that abortion facilities be inspected and licensed by the TN Department of Health and a 2012 law mandating that abortion providers hold admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. Continue reading

Tennessee Right to Life Responds to Judge Sharp's Announcement on Amendment 1

NASHVILLE, JULY 1, 2015 - Tennessee Right to Life issued the following statement in response to Judge Kevin Sharp's refusal to dismiss the lawsuit against the state regarding the outcome of Amendment 1: "Tennessee's voters have spoken, the Legislature has spoken and Tennessee Right to Life continues to be confident that, in the end, common sense policies protecting abortion-vulnerable women, girls and unborn children will be enforced in our state."

Federal Judge Grants Emergency Relief to Owners of 2 Unlicensed Abortion Facilities

Judge Kevin Sharp Allows Informed Consent, Waiting Period to Go Into Effect on Wednesday, July 1 Pro-abortion attorneys for Drs. Wesley Adams and Gary Boyle, owner-operators of two unlicensed abortion facilities, successfully argued late Friday afternoon in Federal Court that enforcement of the new state law requiring licensure and inspection of such centers would result in "irreparable harm" to owners of the facilities. Ruling in favor of the abortionists, Federal Judge Kevin Sharp granted a temporary restraining order against state enforcement of the new statute at two facilities owned and operated by Adams and Boyle.  These include the Bristol Regional Women's Center and the Nashville Women's Center where a 911 call recording of an abortion patient in distress became a public focus of the 2014 campaign to win passage of pro-life Amendment 1. Continue reading

Abortion Industry Sues the People of Tennessee

Breaking News, Thursday, June 25, 2015: Media outlets reported late Thursday that abortion facility owner-operators have filed suit against Tennessee laws requiring facility inspection, hospital admitting privileges for abortion providers and informed consent provisions for women and girls considering abortion.  The complaint was filed in federal court by operators of Choices abortion facility in Memphis and owners of unlicensed abortion centers in Bristol and Nashville.  New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights is representing the abortion facilities and Tennessee's Attorney General will defend the constitutionality of the protective laws. "A lawsuit brought by those who profit from the killing of unborn children should not surprise anyone," said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life. Continue reading

Oregon Euthanasia Group Targets Tennessee

"I'm impressed, this hearing is bringing me back to the way things felt in the nineties in Oregon....I actually ended up seeing the patient who got the first prescription for aid-in-dying in early '98." Dr. Peter Reagan, Medical Director, Oregon's Pro-Euthanasia Organization, "Compassion & Choices"   More than 2 hours of testimony were heard at the Tennessee Legislature last week as members of the state Senate Health Committee met in special session to study SB 1362 by state Senator Reginald Tate (D-Memphis.) Sharing his reasons for bringing the bill, Senator Tate explained his indebtedness to Mr. Hooker for his role in civil rights leadership and felt a responsibility to stand for Mr. Hooker's "right" to doctor-assisted suicide. "I could add a lot of adjectives or modify this racial struggle for whatever it was, come up with some organizations and try to redo whatever I wanted to do. But the bottom line is the bottom line.  And that's all that we're dealing with or trying to offer here is a perspective from an individual with life, in right mind, for a right. And that's basically what this legislative is about." Continue reading

Pro-Life Bills Given Ceremonial Signing by Governor Haslam

Governor, Legislators, and Grassroots Advocates Join to Mark Enactment To the cheers of onlookers, Governor Bill Haslam added his signature on Wednesday to long-sought pro-life policies during a ceremonial bill signing at Nashville's War Memorial Auditorium. Bills signed by Haslam include informed consent provisions for women and girls considering abortion, a 48-hour waiting period, and a requirement that abortion facilities in the state be inspected and licensed. Continue reading

Tennessee Right to Life Testifies Against Doctor-Assisted Suicide

Proposed bill would radically change protections and safeguards for end of life care. NASHVILLE, JUNE 9, 2015 - At today's meeting of the state Senate Health Committee, Tennessee Right to Life joined other advocacy groups to oppose a bill seeking to legalize physician-assisted suicide in Tennessee.  The committee met in a special study session to hear testimony regarding the proposed legislation.In its mission statement, the state's oldest and largest pro-life organization seeks to ensure legal and social protections for Tennessee's most vulnerable citizens, including the unborn, disabled, sick and elderly.     However, Senate Bill 1362 by Sen. Reginald Tate (D-Memphis) and House Bill 1040 by Rep. Craig Fitzhugh (D-Ripley) would radically change Tennessee's policies and protections for end-of-life care. During testimony, speakers outlined concerns with the bill's wording, especially the use of broad and potentially and ambiguous terms such as "terminal condition from which there is not reasonable expectation for recovery."  Attorney and TRL Legislative Liaison Will Brewer  presented the organization's objections to the bill, pointing out that as written, the bill allows the prescribing of life-ending drugs immediately upon a "terminal" diagnosis without any opportunity for serious consideration of possible treatments, therapies or care. Continue reading

Governor Haslam Signs Into Law Provisions Requiring Informed Consent, 48-Hour Waiting Period

Nashville--- Responding to Monday's, May 18, 2015, signing by Governor Bill Haslam of legislation requiring informed consent and waiting period provisions, the state's oldest and largest pro-life organization expressed appreciation to the state's voters and elected officials. "Women and girls considering abortion in our state deserve relevant details and adequate time to make fully-informed decisions about the fate of their unborn child," said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life. "We are grateful to the voters who approved Amendment 1 and to the public officials who have fulfilled their commitment to restore common-sense protections for women, girls and unborn children in our state."  Continue reading

Common Sense Protection Signed Into Law

Bill Requiring Inspection of Abortion Facilities Signed Into Law   Tennessee Right to Life is grateful to our public officials for fulfilling their commitment to the people of Tennessee and restoring this common sense policy to protect the health and safety of women and girls.  The bill was approved by super-majorities in both the state House and state Senate and will go into effect on July 1, 2015. Continue reading

Legislature Approves Pro-Life Bills

Tennessee House and Senate Pass Pro-Life Protections, Sends Legislation to Governor Haslam for Signature Tennessee Right to Life applauds today's strong votes in support of informed consent, a 48-hour waiting period for women and girls considering abortion, and a requirement that abortion facilities be inspected and licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health.  The bills were approved by super-majorities in both the state House and state Senate and will soon be headed to Governor Haslam for his signature.  As drafted, the statutes will go into effect on July 1, 2015. Continue reading