State House Committee to Vote on Re-Directing Family Planning Funds From Planned Parenthood Facilities
UPDATE: Vote delayed until Tuesday, 02/27/2018. You still have time to email House Health Committee members. Click on link below!
Thank you! As a result of the strong response last week from pro-life Tennesseans, legislation to permanently re-direct the state's Title X funds away from Planned Parenthood was passed through the state House Health sub-committee. Tennessee Right to Life is particularly grateful to Chairman Bryan Terry (R-Murfreesboro) and Rep. Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) for their leadership in moving the pro-life bill forward.
HB 2262 by Rep. Bill Dunn will now be heard on Tuesday, February 20, at 10:30 a.m. Please encourage members of the full House Health Committee to protect Tennessee tax-payers, abortion-vulnerable women and unborn children by voting YES on House Bill 2262.
Click Here to Email Committee Members Today!
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State House Committee to Vote on Re-Directing Family Planning Funds From Planned Parenthood Facilities
After years of focused efforts by pro-life lawmakers and principled leadership by Governor Haslam, Tennessee successfully implemented policy in 2011 which has resulted in millions of tax dollars being re-directed away from Planned Parenthood facilities in our state. Under Haslam's direction, an administrative process was established which prioritizes public health departments to receive the public funds appropriated for family planning programs rather than private non-profit organizations such as Planned Parenthood. Prior to 2011, Planned Parenthood affiliates in Tennessee received more than $1.1 million dollars annually.
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Knoxville 2018 March for Life
Tennessee Right to Life has received notice that certain groups are planning to disrupt this Sunday’s March for Life in Knoxville. It is regrettable that any group or individual would attempt to draw attention to themselves and their own agendas at an event that is meant to focus on unborn children and their mothers in a peaceful and prayerful manner.
Any group or individual that promotes white supremacy or other dehumanizing world views, are not in tandem with the position of Tennessee Right to Life on the value of every person’s dignity and life. Our organization's march has a single agenda to support the rights of mothers and the unborn, and we don't agree with the violent agenda of white supremacists or Antifa.
Tennessee Right to Life is working closely with the Knoxville Police Department to keep our supporters safe and away from harassment from these radical groups.
Pro-Life Vote Upheld on Amendment 1: Judges Rule Unanimously Against Planned Parenthood
JANUARY 9, 2018 - In a resounding victory for pro-life Tennesseans, Judges on the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals have rejected a pro-abortion effort to overturn the 2014 voter passage of Amendment 1.
"Although the subject of abortion rights will continue to be controversial in Tennessee and across our nation, it is time for uncertainty surrounding the people's 2014 approval and ratification of Amendment 1 to be put to rest," wrote Senior Judge David McKeague, a 2005 appointee of George W. Bush.
Tennessee Right to Life expresses profound gratitude to the many supporters, advocates, and voters who sacrificed to see Amendment 1 placed on the ballot and passed by public vote. It was made necessary by a radical pro-abortion decision by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 2000 which wrongly declared a so-called "fundamental right to abortion" in the Tennessee Constitution thereby making enforcement of common-sense protections impossible in Tennessee.
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US House passes legislation to protect pain-capable unborn children
Demonstrating pro-life dedication the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday, October 3, passed landmark legislation, 237-189, to extend federal protections to unborn children who have reached 20 weeks fetal age, and those who are born alive during late abortions.
Please thank the following Congressmen who both co-sponsored and voted in support of H.R. 36: Diane Black, Marsha Blackburn, Scott DesJarlais, Jimmy Duncan, Chuck Fleischmann, David Kustoff and Phil Roe, MD.
Pro-abortion Tennessee Congressmen voting against H.R. 36: Steve Cohen and Jim Cooper.
“This bill would save thousands of unborn babies annually from terribly painful deaths,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.
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Eclipse of Reason
With so much attention focused on Monday's solar eclipse, it is easily understood why Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former abortion provider, entitled his landmark film of a dismemberment abortion Eclipse of Reason. Dr. Nathanson knew that legalized abortion had created a blind spot for the American people and that the lack of knowledge about the procedure had left the nation in the dark about what abortion really was.
As a founder of the National Abortion Rights Action League in 1967, Nathanson was personally responsible for 60,000 abortions. But through ultrasound technology, he ultimately became convinced that abortion is the taking of a human life. “For the first time, we could really see the human fetus, measure it, observe it, watch it, and indeed bond with it and love it,” Nathanson later wrote in “The Hand of God: A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind” (Regnery Publishing, 1996). “I began to do that.”
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Tennessee's Office of the Attorney General Offers Strong Defense Of Pro-Life Amendment
U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Considers Merits of Pro-Abortion Challenge
Tennessee Right to Life expresses profound gratitude to the Office of Tennessee's Attorney General for strongly defending the 2014 election outcome on pro-life Amendment 1. In particular, Sarah Campbell, special assistant to the Attorney General, was well prepared and indefatigable last week when arguing that the state's manner of counting votes on Amendment 1 properly followed the process laid forth by the Tennessee Constitution.
"Tennessee did exactly what it had done in prior elections, exactly what it told voters it was going to do and exactly what the constitution says," Campbell told the 3-judge panel who heard oral arguments in the Planned Parenthood challenge of pro-life Amendment 1.
"There was no basis for the federal court to intervene," she said, adding that former federal judge Kevin Sharp's pro-abortion ruling last year ordering a recount of ballots "infringes on Tennessee's sovereignty."
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Tennessee Right to Life Commends Governor Haslam for Support and Signing of Post-Viability Abortion Ban
Nashville, June 21, 2017--The state's leading pro-life organization celebrated passage of its priority legislation during a ceremonial bill signing by Governor Bill Haslam today at Legislative Plaza.
The Tennessee Infants Protection Act (SB 1180 / HB 1189) establishes a presumption of fetal viability beginning at 24 weeks gestation and prohibits abortion except in medical emergencies once viability has been confirmed.
The new legislation also requires a medical assessment for fetal viability before an abortion may be performed on unborn children at least 20 weeks old.
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Oral Arguments Set on Yes on 1 Challenge
More than 2 years after Tennesseans approved pro-life Amendment 1 by a vote of 53% - 47%, oral arguments have been set in the lawsuit brought byPlanned Parenthood abortion activists challenging the outcome of the 2014 election.
A panel of judges at the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear the case on August 2, 2017 in Cincinnati.
YES on 1 and Tennessee Right to Life coordinated a Friend of the Court brief which includes the signatures of 8,850 Tennesseans who stand to be harmed if their votes are thrown out.
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Thank You Pro-Life Tennessee
Despite strong opposition from Planned Parenthood, ACOG and other pro-abortion activists, pro-life legislators have strengthened Tennessee's protective public policies and overwhelmingly passed the Tennessee Infants Protection Act (HB 1189 / SB 1180). Led by prime sponsor state Rep. Matthew Hill (R-Jonesborough), the state House voted early Wednesday to pass House Bill 1189 by a vote of 69-18. On Monday, the state Senate passed the bill, sponsored by state Senator Joey Hensley, M.D. (R-Hohenwald) by a vote of 27-3. The bill now goes to Pro-Life Governor Haslam who is unlikely to veto the protective legislation.
The bill criminalizes abortions after viability of an unborn child has been established except in the rare instances of threat to the life of the mother. The bill also requires a viability assessment be performed beginning at 20 weeks of pregnancy (LMP) in order to carefully test whether or not the child is able to live outside the womb with or without medical support.
The bill establishes a state presumption of viability at 24-weeks gestational development (LMP.)
"Tennessee Right to Life is grateful for the leadership of our sponsors in bringing this important pro-life protection," said Brian Harris, president of the state's oldest and largest pro-life organization. "We thank those pro-life legislators who stood for life at every stage of the legislative process. Together we will help to ensure that the strongest possible law saves the largest number of women, girls and unborn children from the horror of an elective abortion when the child could otherwise survive," said Harris.
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