Gov. Lee, Close Down These Killing Centers Now!
- 78.6% of abortions are among Tennessee residents ages 20 - 34
- 47% of confirmed COVID-19 cases are among Tennessee residents ages 21 - 40 (Tennessee Department of Health)
Despite the claims of some, abortions continue to be scheduled and performed at facilities across Tennessee. THIS MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY!
The lives of unborn children are at risk as is the health and wellbeing of women, girls, healthcare workers and first responders.
Governor Lee has expressed his "hope" and "expectation" that elective abortions will not be performed. But unless Executive Order #18 is enforced by the Tennessee Department of Health and the Attorney General, abortion profiteers such as Planned Parenthood, Choices of Memphis and others will continue to kill unborn children and put the health and lives of others at risk.
Photos from Nashville's Planned Parenthood facility throughout this week document that large numbers of abortion clients continue to be seen where 60.7% of confirmed COVID-19 cases among Nashville residents are ages 21 - 40. (Metropolitan Government of Nashville) Calls to Planned Parenthood to schedule abortions are met with giggles and laughs that they are continuing to schedule abortions and remain open. Choices of Memphis responded, "Lord have mercy, yes (we remain open)."
While churches and legitimate businesses remain shuttered, the abortion facilities are allowed to operate without restraint. THIS MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY .
Please contact your state legislators and ask vigorous enforcement of Executive Order #18.
Please contact the TN Department of Health at 615.741.3111 and ask them to enforce Executive Order #18 today.
All other elective surgeries are being halted---including hip replacements. Should abortions continue unabated?