Video Submission Page

Tennessee Right to Life's Pro-Life High School Oratory Contest is open to all Tennessee high school students, grades 9 - 12.

Contestants must research, write, and present an original pro-life speech on the topics of abortion, infanticide, stem cell research or euthanasia. Great prize opportunities include cash, college scholarships, and an all-expense paid trip for the state winner and a parent to the 2020 National Right to Life Convention in Herndon, Virgnina.

Due to the closing of many public facilities due to the coronavirus, Tennessee Right to Life is providing an alternate means of participating in your local Pro-Life High School Oratory Contest.  You can submit a YouTube video of your speech prior to the local contest deadline.  The same contest rules apply to live or video speeches.  Contest Rules

We do require that a completed application be submitted as well.  Please complete the 2020 Contest Application and return to [email protected] or mail to Tennessee Right to Life, PO Box 110765, Nashville, TN 37222-0765.

Please include your name, address and phone and submit your YouTube video by pasting your Oratory Contest Video YouTube URL in the 'Comments' section below.

11 oratory video submissions

Please submit your video by pasting your YouTube link in the section below.