Thank you for participating in the first Tennessee Right to Life Pro-Life Boot Camp!
The workshop leaders, as well as Frances and I, the event coordinators, were quite pleased with and inspired by your engagement and interaction throughout the event.
Your thoughtful questions impressed us all. It was a long, full day of activities and presentations; we appreciate your attention throughout the event! It is our hope that you learned new information and helpful tips on the importance of advocating for the protection of life and ways to be pro-life leaders in your community.
Remember to stay involved as best you can--at church, through social media, among your friends, by volunteering, and even by contacting your state representatives!
Parents: we thank you for making the sacrifices you did in order for your students to attend. You will all be proud to know they were an absolutely delightful group!
We hope you will join us again next year, and remember to tell your friends about the event. Be sure to share what you learned as you spread the joy of life, the value of life, and the dignity of life!
If you have any questions regarding the event or perhaps things you have thought about which need more clarity or consideration, please do not hesitate to contact us!
God bless you!
For Life,
Emily Dobbs, TRL Pro-Life Boot Camp Coordinator