TN Infants Protection Act Committee Vote /
Pro-Life Women's Day on the Hill on Tuesday
Contact House Health Committee Members Today!
Please encourage the House Health Committee members to protect Life and vote Yes on HB 1189.
Click here to email them today!
The Tennessee Infants Protection Act (House Bill 1189 sponsored by Rep. Matthew Hill) seeks to:
Require viability assessment beginning at the 20th week of pregnancy to measure gestational age, weight, or other factors to determine viability of the unborn child;
Define viability in state law as "the state of fetal development when the unborn child is capable of sustained survival outside of the womb, with or without medical assistance;"
Establish presumption in state law that an unborn child of at least 24 weeks gestation (LMP) is viable and must be protected by law;
Recognize current U.S. Supreme Court doctrine to avoid an untimely legal challenge; and,
Mirror 2011 Ohio statute which is in effect and has never been challenged.
The House Health Committee will hear the Pro-life bill at 11:00 AM on Tuesday, March 28 in Room 16 of Legislative Plaza.
On Tuesday we will also celebrate the 14th annual Pro-Life Women's Day on the Hill, at War Memorial Auditorium. Our guest speaker is Melissa Ohden, a saline abortion survivor. It's sure to be an inspiring day and it's not too late to make your reservations by clicking below or by contacting our office at 615.298.5433.
Unable to attend? You can make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one to help underwrite the event. Click here to make a tax-deductible online donation today.
Click here to register for Pro-Life Women's Day on the Hill.