Thank You Pro-Life Boot Campers
Thank you for participating in the first Tennessee Right to Life Pro-Life Boot Camp!
The workshop leaders, as well as Frances and I, the event coordinators, were quite pleased with and inspired by your engagement and interaction throughout the event.
Your thoughtful questions impressed us all. It was a long, full day of activities and presentations; we appreciate your attention throughout the event! It is our hope that you learned new information and helpful tips on the importance of advocating for the protection of life and ways to be pro-life leaders in your community.
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Protect the Vote on Amendment 1
Protect The People's Vote on Amendment 1: Sign the 6th Circuit Court Amicus Brief
Rather than accept defeat, Planned Parenthood is willing to disenfranchise pro-life voters in order to ensure that Tennessee remains an abortion destination. That was unacceptable on Election Day 2014 and it remains so nearly two years after clear public approval of Amendment 1.
On November 4, 2014, Tennessee voters approved passage of pro-life Amendment 1 to the Tennessee Constitution by a margin of 53-47 percent. Three days later, Planned Parenthood Board Chair, Tracey E. George and other Planned Parenthood Board members filed a federal lawsuit claiming that their voting rights had been violated and that ballots were not properly counted.
Yes on 1 calls the lawsuit one more example of pro-abortion activists refusing to trust the common sense and compassion of Tennesseans who largely favor legal protections for abortion-vulnerable women, girls and unborn children in our state.
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TN Student Places Third in National Pro-Life Speech Contest
Danielle Quesinberry Wants Women to be Aware of Hope-Filled Adoption Stories Like Hers
Tennessee's winner of the 17th annual Pro-Life Oratory Contest for High School Students placed third at the national contest held July 9 in Herndon, Virginia.
Danielle Quesinberry, daughter of Robin and Lisa Quesinberry of Seymour, won the opportunity to represent Tennessee during state finals held earlier this summer in Nashville. There, Danielle's speech was awarded first place and an expense paid trip to the national finals held each year in conjunction with the National Right to Life convention.
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For Life and Nation
"Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God ... Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you, He does see it, and He will bless or curse this nation, according to the course they take."
Charles Finney 1792-1875 (Nineteenth Century Evangelist and Author)
On Tuesday at the monthly meeting of the Knox County Chapter of Tennessee Right to Life, several pro-life legislators addressed the issues that faced them during the 2016 Legislative Session. Representatives Jerry Sexton, Roger Kane and Bill Dunn and Senator Richard Briggs also addressed the recent Supreme Court decision and the possible impact it could have on our laws in Tennessee, including 48 Hour Waiting Period, Informed Consent and the Admitting Privileges requirement.
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New Pro-Life Law Takes Effect Today in TN
Tougher regulations regarding the treatment of fetal remains in Tennessee go into effect today, July 1, 2016, thanks largely to the leadership of Governor Bill Haslam. The proposed policy was introduced by the Haslam administration as a priority last January in order "to strengthen accountability and transparency for surgery centers performing abortion."
Strongly supported by Tennessee Right to Life and passed overwhelmingly by members of the General Assembly, the new law strengthens existing policy by specifically prohibiting the offer or acceptance of payment for remains of an aborted child including any reimbursement for transfer, shipping or handling of fetal remains. The legislation was passed in April by overwhelming margins: 28-1 in the state Senate and 79-9 in the state House. Longtime pro-life leader Rep. Bill Dunn (R-Knoxville) sponsored the House version while pro-life Senator Kerry Roberts (R-Springfield) ably carried the bill in the state Senate.
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Tennessee Right to Life Endorses Courtney Rogers for Re-Election
Pro-Life organization calls legislator a partner for protection of human life
Nashville, June 30, 2016--The state's oldest and largest pro-life organization is urging its members and advocates to support Courtney Rogers for re-election to the state House.
"Voters in the 45th district have sent some of the state's most committed pro-life advocates to serve in the state House," said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life. "We are grateful that Courtney Rogers has carried on that pro-life legacy very well," said Harris.
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Tennessee Right to Life Endorses Ron Gant for State House
Pro-Life organization urges support for committed Right to Life advocate
Nashville, June 29, 2016--The state's oldest and largest pro-life organization is urging its members and advocates to support Ron Gant for election to the state House.
"Voters in the 94th district have sent some of the state's most committed pro-life advocates to serve in the state House and Tennessee Right to Life is confident that Ron Gant will carry on that pro-life legacy very well," said Brian Harris, President of Tennessee Right to Life.
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US Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Protections for Women & Girls
In a stunning defeat for pro-life Americans, five Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court have struck down common-sense safeguards passed by the Texas Legislature to protect the health and welfare of women and girls considering abortion. The provisions are similar to those recently enacted by the Tennessee General Assembly and include a requirement that abortion providers hold admitting privileges at a nearby hospital (2012) and that abortion facilities be inspected and licensed as other out-patient surgical centers (2015.)
Tennessee's similar policies requiring admitting privileges and facility standards were challenged in 2015 by Dr. Gary Boyle and Dr. Wesley Adams, owner-operators of two unlicensed abortion facilities in Bristol and Nashville. The licensure and inspection requirement was stayed by U.S. District Judge Kevin Sharp but other challenged laws are currently enforced throughout the state including informed consent and 48-hour waiting period for women and girls considering abortion and the required admitting privileges for abortion providers.
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Tennessee Right to Life Endorses Brian Kelsey for Congress
State's oldest and largest pro-life organization calls Kelsey a proven partner in the fight for life
Nashville, June 27, 2016--Leaders of Tennessee Right to Life announced their support today for Brian Kelsey in the Republican primary race for the state's 8th Congressional district. Characterized as a key leader in efforts to promote Right to Life legislative priorities, the organization said that demonstrated leadership made the difference in favor of endorsing Kelsey.
As a leading pro-life legislator, Brian Kelsey has used his position and background in the law to draft and defend policies that protect vulnerable unborn children. "Brian Kelsey has been willing to exert the necessary influence and political capital to ensure that Tennessee's public policies consistently affirm the dignity of every human life," said Stacy Dunn, Vice-President of Tennessee Right to Life.
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Tennessee Right to Life Endorses Jimmy Eldridge for House Seat
Pro-Life Organization Grateful for Legislator's Consistency and Commitment
Nashville, June 27, 2016--Among endorsements announced on Monday, the state's oldest and largest pro-life organization urged its members and advocates to support Jimmy Eldridge for re-election to the state House.
"Pro-life Tennesseans rely on Madison County voters to send pro-life leaders to Nashville," said Brian Harris, President of Tennessee Right to Life. "And pro-life leaders in Nashville have come to know that we can rely on Jimmy Eldridge to help lead efforts at the General Assembly."
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